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What all should a blogger know.......?

I got this from a blogging forum.....what all should a blogger know?
My own response is this - a blogger should be able to write, write and write................

Here are the responses to the post:

"I think the number one thing a blogger needs to learn is to write. Paired with that is the knowledge that it is ok to just write, you don't need any approval and it doesn't need to be perfect."

"I'd say how to be yourself. The reason blogging is so widespread is because anyone can do it. The key to being successful though is to just be yourself and allow your personality to come through the blog."

"Also a good point. With the number of blogs going up these days you've GOT to find a way to differentiate yourself. Whether thats a combination of an amazing number of posts, incredible quality of your posts, entertaining posts, controversial posts, or more likely some mixture of all of those, you have to find some way to rise above the crowd and get noticed."

Quality over quantity.
"Can't stress that enough. Consistent posting is important to keep your readers on their toes, to keep them coming back for more, but sometimes I think it goes over a lot of new bloggers' heads. It comes to the point where they are churning out what I call copy-and-paste stuff (e.g technology mentioned over and over again by mainstream techie blogs, YouTube videos, etc), just to maintain consistency. It gets boring, and readers leave. "

"It doesn't have to be a daily thing; posting 3 quality entries per week's a lot better than 7 mediocre ones."

"Seriously, if anybody asked me the same question today, I'd tell him/her to start with blog-hopping and learn the tips and tricks as well as the dos and don'ts before starting anything. Yes, people always say that the journey of a thousand miles begin with the first step, but failing to prepare also means preparing to fail.".

"And, I said today because blogging has really evolved from what it was when I started almost 2 years ago, to what it is today. There is a great deal of difference and those differences count,"

" agree that the first thing you need to do is learn to write on a regular basis. Whether that's taking one day and writing a bunch of posts and future-posting them - or whether it's posting every day for 5-7 days a week."

"The other thing is participating in the conversation in your niche. Comment on other people's blogs. Read what other's are saying, talk about it on your blog. "

"From there, I could go on and on about optimizing your blog - using h3 or below tags on your sidebar headers. Installing title and meta tag plugins. Doing keyword research. Writing good headlines. Utilizing social media. Affiliate marketing and monetization. Visitor loyalty. Blog contests. Blog carnivals."

What do you think? Hope this works for aspiring bloggers like me too.


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